
Tribal Inspiration

The marks on this woman's body, form a pattern that tells her story, or maybe is just her society's vision of female beauty. I like the look on her face, she's confident. She knows she looks good and that she has the marks of belonging.

Society's mark their members in all kinds of ways. Tribal marks are an unacknowledged code that we all learn to read in order to survive. I notice it most when I'm on the subway commuting to work. There are people my eye just passes over because they bear the marks of my tribe: "The Daughters and Sons of the Daily Grind."

Then, every now and then, there are folks whose tribal marks make me so uncomfortable that consider giving up my seat and moving to another subway car, and that's saying something for a New Yorker.

I think tribal marks, both literal and figurative are going to be important in Ravening. I like the way the marks themselves tell the story of the person's life.

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